import sysimport osimport reimport getpass# 操作系统平台 Windows:'nt'|Linux/Unix:'posix'。# os.getenv()/os.putenv()读取和设置环境变量。# os.system()函数用来运行shell命令。# os.linesep 行终止符 Windows:'\r\n'|Linux:'\n'|Mac:'\r'# os.path.split() 返回目录名和文件名的tuple# sys.argv 命令行参数# sys.platform 获得操作系统类型# sys.exit(n) 终止程序# sys.path 搜索模块的路径# sys.modules 已载入模块# sys.stdin,sys.stdout,sys.stderr 标准输入/输出/错误输出# sys.version_info 得到python的版本信息def os_sys_test(): print(' ' + print('$PATH: ' + os.getenv('PATH')) print('os.linesep: ' + os.linesep) print('filename: ' + sys.argv[0]) print('platform: ' + sys.platform) print(sys.path) #print(sys.modules) print(sys.version_info) def shell(): #os_sys_test() heading = ''' ######################################### # welcome to hakase shell # # ©copyright 2016 # ######################################### ''' print(heading) while True: inputCmd = re.split('\s+', input(getpass.getuser() + '@' + os.getcwd() + '$ ')) cmd = inputCmd[0] args = inputCmd[1:] if cmd in cmdList: cmdList[cmd](args)def fun_rm(args): for path in args: if os.path.isfile(path): os.remove(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): lst = os.listdir(path) os.chdir(path) fun_rm(lst) os.chdir('..') os.removedirs(path)def fun_echo(args): for str in args: print(str, end=' ') print()def fun_cat(args): for file in args: with open(file, 'r') as f: for line in f: print(line)def fun_ls(args): if len(args) == 0: for file in os.listdir('.'): print(file) else: for path in args: for file in os.listdir(path): print(file)def fun_mkdir(args): for dir in args: if os.path.exists(dir): print(dir + ' exist !') else: os.mkdir(dir)def fun_cd(args): for path in args: os.chdir(path)def fun_pwd(args): print(os.getcwd())def fun_exit(args): exit(0)def fun_touch(args): for file in args: if os.path.exists(file): print(file + ' exist !') pass else: with open(file, 'w') as f: passdef fun_clear(args): os.system('clear')cmdList = { 'echo' : fun_echo, 'exit' : fun_exit, 'cat' : fun_cat, 'ls' : fun_ls, 'cd' : fun_cd, 'pwd' : fun_pwd, 'touch': fun_touch, 'mkdir': fun_mkdir, 'rm' : fun_rm, 'clear': fun_clear};if __name__ == '__main__': shell()
最简单的方法 只实现shell内部命令 外部命令直接使用外部shell来执行 在Window平台上当然运行不起来..
import os, getpass, redef fun_cd(args): for path in args: os.chdir(path)def fun_echo(args): for str in args: print(str, end=' ') print()def fun_exit(args): exit(0)cmdList = { 'echo' : fun_echo, 'exit' : fun_exit, 'cd' : fun_cd};while True: cmdLine = input(getpass.getuser() + '@' + os.getcwd() + '$ ') cmd = re.split('\s+', cmdLine) if cmd[0] in cmdList: cmdList[cmd[0]](cmd[1:]) else: os.system(cmdLine)